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Click Here for Sponsorship Opportunities

Local businesses, organizations, families, and friends of Hinsdale Central football who serve as sponsors are the lifeblood of the program.  Without our sponsors' generous support, the football program wouldn’t be able to provide the state-of-the art equipment, technology and necessary resources for the coaches, players, trainers, and managers.  Below is our current roster of sponsors and we want to take one more opportunity to thank all of them for their support! 

Depending on the level of sponsorship, football program sponsors receive myriad benefits, including stadium signage, frequent advertising in “The Hinsdalean," in- game recognition and other branding opportunities. 

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the Hinsdale Central Football program, please review the sponsorship options.  We welcome ideas to develop bespoke branding opportunities for your local business or organization. 

Please contact Craig Boggs at if you have any questions or wish to discuss sponsorship opportunities.